Thursday 13 February At 12 Noon & 7PM QLD Time
(1PM & 8PM NSW/Vic Time)
Discover HOW You Can Boost Sales Of Your Products Or Services With
This 45 min webinar could be a very timely “game-changer” for you if you’re looking to reboot your business strategy.
You’ll learn how “incentive-based marketing” is an insanely powerful customer-attraction tool that only a tiny percentage of businesses actually use (because MOST biz owners fall into the “price-discounting” trap!).
And you’ll see WHY this form of marketing might just be “the heart-starter” your business needs.
Big companies like McDonalds & Amazon have been exploiting this tactic for years – attracting new customers with the lure of a “FREE BONUS” (or what we call an “incentive”).
And now it’s your chance to swipe the concept of “incentive-based marketing” & use it to attract more revenue for YOUR business.
Select Webinar Time:
Learn This Formula From An Expert...
John Dwyer
Watch The Short Video Above – Marketing Guru, John Dwyer, Explains What
You’ll Learn On His IDEAS-FEST.
The “King” of INCENTIVE-BASED MARKETING globally is John Dwyer, a marketing maverick who specialises in showing businesses how to use “direct-response marketing” tactics.
John has been the “go-to guy” for big guns like News Ltd, KFC, 7 Eleven, Warner Bros & more – when they want “top-shelf advice” for INCENTIVES that can skyrocket revenue for them.
On this LIVE webinar, John will be pulling back the curtain on his unique “system” for choosing the right incentive for your products or services.
He’ll be showing WHAT works & WHAT doesn’t…….& WHY!
So if you’re looking for a “silver bullet” to reboot your business, THIS IS ONE WEBINAR you don’t want to miss.
John has crafted more promotional offers & incentives than probably anyone on the planet!
Discover How The Right Incentive Can
DOUBLE Your Sales Within 30 Days!
Discover How The Right Incentive Can DOUBLE Your Sales Within 30 Days!
Whether it be incentives like supermarkets offering shoppers “Free Cookware or Drinking Glasses” when they reach certain spending levels –
or “Free Beer” to attract landscapers to a turf farm, John is the “Ideas Machine” that BIG companies pay BIG dollars to for these concepts.
Put simply – he knows WHAT WORKS…..because he has tested just about every “incentive” one could think of.
The big end of town recognizes that he has the “Midas touch” when it comes to devising INCENTIVES that pack a wallop!
Now it’s your turn to swipe this customer drawcard phenomena that 97% of small businesses have never used!
Wait till you see his “case studies” where he’ll show you businesses that have DOUBLED & EVEN TRIPLED revenue instantly due to adding a clever “incentive” to their offers. – In other words, the business offers a FREE REWARD with purchases.
You’ll be able to grab this incentive formula & start using it in your business the next day.
And remember, the MASSIVE BONUS for you when you attend this free webinar is that you’ll learn what is the world’s #1 most powerful customer incentive – & therefore be able to swipe it for your business!
Free Drinks For Reaching
Certain Purchase Levels!
Free 2 Day Shipping & Unlimited
Movie & Music Streaming!
Buy 9 Coffees &
Get the 10Th Free!
Macca’s has generated BILLIONS of dollars of income with the “FREE TOY GIVEAWAY” in their Happy Meal.
Likewise, Kellogg’s with the “Free Gift” in their breakfast cereal boxes!
Amazon smashed all sales projections with the launch of their “Amazon Prime” membership program – due to their “Free 2 Day Shipping” bonus & other perks like “Free Movies & Music”.
And numerous high-ticket home entertainment retailers steal market-share like crazy due to a clever incentive of “3 Years’ Interest Free Finance”.
John will show you HOW you can use this very same “INCENTIVE TACTIC” to drive more sales for your business – it’s easy when you know HOW!
And let’s not forget that it was John who scored the “marketing coup” of the decade when he convinced Jerry Seinfeld to be spokesman for an Aussie bank’s “FREE VACATION INCENTIVE!”
John produced the Greater Building Society’s home loan campaign – where none other than Jerry Seinfeld invited people to “Swap Their Home Loan To The Greater & Get A Free Vacation!”
The “Free Vacation” campaign broke lending records & is folklore in the banking industry – globally!
Jerry & The Free Vacation Took Everyone’s Eyes OFF The Price!
Jerry helped the bank to take everyone’s eyes OFF the interest rate!
How? Simple, by offering a FREE VACATION with every home loan!
You’ll see the secrets of this insanely successful “customer attraction tactic” on this webinar!
Again, this is one LIVE WEBINAR YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS – particularly if you want to escape “price-discounting” forever!
Imagine Your Own AI Genie Robot Answering Your Calls...
& Even Making Calls For You!
Another MASSIVE benefit you’ll enjoy from this webinar is seeing how an AI GENIE can answer your phone 24/7.
This incredible technology is now available for your business, where an AI Robot can handle all your incoming calls & have a “human-like” conversation with your prospects or customers.
It’s the biggest game-changer in the last 50 years for all businesses.
Your frustration with missing calls & inconsistent service quality can now vanish instantly!
You can have “the smartest person in the world” answering your calls!
And you’ll see how you can implement such automation in your business for just “cents in the dollar”.
102,000 Leads In A Week For A Business?
When it comes to skyrocketing warm leads for businesses…….I have a reputation for “over-delivery”
I generated a massive 102,000 leads for one client…..wait for it….in just one week!
The marriage of “creativity and practicality” is what makes these marketing campaigns so unique (because many people might be “creative”…..but their ideas are impractical).
You’ll see these are refreshingly unconventional ideas.
If you’d like to prepare yourself for this much anticipated Workshop, you might like to have a read of my best-selling book, The Avalanche Leads Formula.
We will email you a link for this FREE BOOK once you are registered!
Thursday 13 February At 12 Noon & 7PM QLD Time
(1PM & 8PM NSW/Vic Time)